I Will Trust You in the Darkness
I Will Trust You in the Darkness
I Will Trust You in the Darkness

I Will Trust You in the Darkness

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Verse 1
I will trust you in the darkness, I will serve you in my pain
I will worship in the wilderness and will follow to the end
For you are the suffering shepherd and you know your sheep by name
So I will trust you in the darkness once again 

Verse 2
I'll believe your word of comfort when the light of life grows dim
I will heed your voice at midnight when the tempests rage within
I will cling to Christ my saviour, who has borne my sorrow's sting
And I will trust you in the darkness once again

Verse 3
I will praise your name in winter when the skies are cold and grey
I will feed upon your promises and will cry to you each day
I will lean upon your Spirit and your word will I obey 
Yes, I will trust you in the darkness come what may

Verse 4
I will trust you in the darkness, on your faithfulness depend
As I long for your appearing and the day that never ends 
I will glory in the gospel and your word of truth defend
I will trust you in the darkness once again
I will trust you in the darkness, O my friend

CCLI Song # 3400238 | © 2001 Rob Smith

Scripture References
Old Testament - Psalm 6, Psalm 23, Psalm 63
New Testament - John 10, Romans 8, Romans 12, 2 Timothy 2:1-13

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