Study options at Moore College

We have partnered with Moore Theological College to provide training in church music for those in or preparing for ministry. For undergraduate students, we run a stream within the Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry. For postgraduates we teach the MA unit: Leadership of Music Ministry: Theology & Practise.
Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission and Ministry (Music Ministry)
The music stream within Moore College's Advanced Diploma of Bible, Mission, and Ministry is designed for music ministers and for those preparing and leading church services; and in fact, all who serve in music ministry and in either a lay or professional role. It will equip you with the biblical, theological and practical skills necessary to establish and maintain a vibrant church music ministry - whatever your context.
Click here to see Core Units, Music Ministry Units, and Electives
Graduates with the Advanced Diploma may be eligible to proceed to the second year of the College’s BD or BTh programs.
Music Ministry Leadership (Intensive 24-28 June, 2024)
This unit focuses on developing the practical skills required to effectively lead a church music ministry. It comprises three components: congregational song leading; leading a music team; planning and leading church services. It will provide a level of tailored instruction, taking into account their particular interests, gifts and context of the student.
Church, Music, and Worship (TBA)
This unit lays the theological foundations, with practical implications, for leading a church music ministry. It comprises three applied theological components: the doctrine of the church; the place and purpose of singing within the church; biblical theologies of worship and their influence on liturgy and music.
Overview Of Church History (TBA)
This unit lays the historical foundations of church music within the Evangelical tradition. It comprises four components: the Reformers' approach to congregational singing; the Puritans; the Evangelical hymn writers; and late 20th century developments in church music. The purpose of the unit is to allow the music minister to understand their own context within a broader historical and theological framework.
Master of Arts (Theology)
Leadership of Music Ministry: Theology & Practise ( 6-8 May, 26-28 June, 2024)
The aim of this unit is to explore the complexity of issues involved in music ministry and through their evaluation and integration to develop expert judgement in leading music ministry in church. It comprises three components: congregational song leading; leading a music team; planning and leading church services. This unit is particularly helpful those those serving in music ministry or magnification roles, or anyone in pastoral ministry with an interest in the place of music within the life of the church.
Click here to learn more about the Master of Arts (Theology)