Contact Us

Hi there! Use the form below to let us know if you have any questions, comments or feedback about any part of Emu's ministry. We'll always try to get back to you within 3 to 5 working days. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can our church embed Emu videos into their online service?

We're happy for you to embed our videos into your services and have been making song leading videos for that specific purpose, which you can download for free (or donating any amount that you choose). Please ensure that the appropriate copyright information (song title, composer/s, Emu Music, copyright date, and CCLI No.) is shown at some point in the video. We also recommend tagging the video with this information within its metadata to help make the song identifiable. A link to our YouTube channel in the video description would also be greatly appreciated.

Can our church livestream your songs? 

A number of social media platforms such as YouTube/Instagram/Facebook already allow you to livestream songs by Emu songwriters. (Click here for more info). If performing our songs on these platforms, please ensure that the appropriate copyright information (song title, composer/s, Emu Music, copyright date, and CCLI No.) is shown at some point in the livestream. We also recommend tagging the video with this information within its metadata to help make the music identifiable.

We would also recommend CCLI's Streaming License which gives cover for a broad range of platforms and the ability to project lyrics etc. The scope of what this licence covers varies from country to country so please read the fine print!

In most cases, social media platforms and CCLI will not allow the re-streaming of licensed songs. (This is essentially posting a cover of a song which requires the song owner's permission via a mechanical licence.) For the current time, Emu (on behalf of its composers) is allowing you to use and keep our songs available on post live-streamed and pre-recorded services. However, please note that we have no control over YouTube (for example) deciding to remove a song you post.

Can you tell me more about copyright?

Yes! Please visit our copyright page for more information.

I can't find the mp3 or sheet music for a particular song in your song index.

If the song you're looking for is more than 10 years old, then it may not be available. We are still working on updating our back catalogue.

I can't find the audio track/digital album that I've ordered. 

Our audio tracks and digital albums are delivered automatically, however these emails are often sent direct to junk/spam email folders. Please check your junk folder carefully for an email whose subject includes: 'Your music is ready to download!'.

What format is your sheet music?

The sheet music .pdf file for our congregational songs will include a full piano score and a lead sheet (melody line and chords). Some of our songs only include a lead sheet, which is specified when you purchase the product. The piano scores are not intended to be a direct transcription of our recordings and so will not necessarily contain all the parts and voices you hear. They are intended to be a simple and helpful resource to equip you to better serve your congregations as you sing and play in your church band!  

Can I get your sheet music in a different key?

All our sheet music is sold in congregation-friendly keys, but we understand that sometimes your church will need it lower or higher. We are working on a system that will allow for transpositions, but at the moment this service is not available. You are welcome to transcribe your own charts, but please include the original copyright information.

How do I join the Emu team?

Use the contact form below to tell us about yourself: your church, instruments, experience, and any previous involvement/attendance at Emu events.  

How do I organise an Emu event at my church?

Please use the contact form for your inquiry, including details about your church and suggested dates. If you are looking for in-house training, please visit our Workshop page here

Can I get a refund on a purchase?

We do not offer refunds for digital purchases because they cannot be returned. CD and book purchases can be refunded if returned within 14 days in its original condition (return postage will be at your own expense). You can find more information on returns policy here.

Get In Touch! 

If your enquiry is about copyright matters relating to online services, please read the information in the first two FAQs before sending us a message. Whilst we are happy to help, we are not copyright experts, and have no more information than that contained in the first two questions.

You can also contact us at:

Emu Music Ltd
31 King Street, Newtown, 2042, AUSTRALIA
74 Marlborough Road, Oxford, OX1 4LR, UK
+61 2 96929944