Are you passionate about singing that is deeply rooted in Scripture? The Word in Song Conference is a place where worship leaders, musicians, and church members come together to be equipped, inspired, and encouraged—helping you and your church grow in a gospel-centered approach to music and ministry.
This year we are excited to have Gary Millar as our guest Bible teacher and seminar presenter. Gary has been Principal of Queensland Theological College where he teaches Old Testament, biblical theology, and preaching, since 2012. Before moving to Australia, he was a pastor for 17 years. He has written books on reading the Bible, getting going in the christian life, prayer and preaching, as well as commentaries on Deuteronomy, Kings and 2nd Corinthians.
We will also have ARIA award-winning producer Jackson Barclay showing us how to take a song from rough recording to polished gem, as well a whole range of brand new practical seminars.
What to Expect:
Engaging Sessions: Learn from experienced speakers and musicians who will share biblical insights and practical skills for leading worship that truly magnifies Christ.
Practical Seminars: Whether you’re a musician, vocalist, or pastor, our interactive seminars are designed to refine your skills and deepen your understanding of music through a biblical lens.
Heart-felt Singing: Experience passionate, gospel-centered singing led by talented musicians who love to proclaim the truth of God's Word through song.
Enriching Fellowship: Connect with other worship leaders, musicians, and church members who share your heart for Christ-centered music.
Why Attend? The Emu Word in Song Conference is more than just an event—it's an opportunity to rediscover the beauty and power of Christian singing that is grounded in God’s Word. Gain valuable tools for your ministry, enjoy fellowship with like-minded believers, and leave inspired to serve your church with renewed zeal. Hear more about how others have been equipped and encouraged by the conference:
Keen to bring your team along? Download our event advertising pack here:
Don’t miss out! Register now and be part of a transformative experience that will help shape the way you sing, lead, and live out the gospel. Group discounts available (click here to find out more).

Seminar Descriptions

Church Music Masterclass:
In this session we'll aim to cover everything you’ll ever need to know about leading excellent singing in your church – whatever your church size or preferred style of music! We’ll look at how (as a music team) we give priority to the congregation’s voice, and how we can use any instrument and vocal combination to provide a creative and confident lead for the singing in your church.
Helpful for everyone – musicians, vocalists, song leaders, sound team, pastors.

Rehearsing and Arranging a Band:
In this masterclass we will outline the essential principles for running an effective rehearsal and workshop a number songs in different styles. We will consider how to arrange a song to reflect its message, as well as shape its emotional flow. We’ll also explore options for different instrument combinations, effective transitions, and playing to the appropriate context.
Helpful for musicians, vocalists, song leaders, sound team.

Embracing the ‘weird’ - offering richness to a yearning world (Gary Millar):
As many in our society are now unchurched, our attempts to appear ‘normal’ may in fact be undercutting the unique selling point of the church, that is, the richness of the gospel. So let’s consider how to embrace the uniqueness of the church gathering (including the way we do corporate singing) without limiting ourselves to the bland and shallow.
Helpful for everyone!

Song Production 101:
This session offers a hands-on guide to transforming raw vocal and acoustic recordings into fully produced songs, with the goal of equipping church musicians with the tools and confidence to produce high-quality, professional tracks tailored to their church’s needs. Join seasoned producer Jackson Barclay as he shares practical techniques covering everything from arrangement and instrumentation/production to mixing. Be inspired by tips from Jackson's extensive experience in music production, including work on ARIA and Golden Guitar-winning albums. Helpful for musicians, sound techs and aspiring producers.

Song Leading:
In many ways, the song leader is the single most important person in leading great congregational singing. We will look at the biblical basis for having a song leader, but will aim to spend most of our time on the practicalities of how to lead singing well – including mic technique, what to say, and how to teach new material.
Helpful for singers, song leaders, service leaders, pastors.

A History of Christian Singing:
Have you ever wondered why Christians sing the way they do? While we are all influenced by our context and culture, our singing is also the product of 2000 years of Christian music. This session is more than a history lesson! We will look at how Evangelical movements, leaders and musicians dealt with many of the same issues we have, and how they have shaped the way we think and practice Church music today. Big names will include Luther, Calvin, Watts, the Wesleys, Newton, and more. Helpful for everyone!

Leading a Team:
Effective music ministry can’t happen without someone in charge. But many of us land the job of music director or band leader with little experience or idea of how to take the ministry forward. This session will look at the role of those in leadership, how to shape a team culture, and how to shape a culture of singing in the church.
Helpful for song leaders, music team leaders, music directors, and those aspiring to these roles!
Leading from Guitar and Piano:
Many of our churches have just these two instruments - so how do we make the most of them, and how do we lead in a dynamic, engaged, and complimentary way? In this seminar, we'll explore the harmonic and rhythmic elements needed to lead great congregational singing, and provide the tools to understand each other better and play together well.
Helpful for guitarists, pianists.

What songs should we sing?:
Choosing songs thoughtfully and intentionally is key to an effective word-based music ministry. However, there are so many songs to consider – and it can be hard to keep our focus on what is important! In this seminar we’ll think about how to create a well-rounded repertoire of songs for our church and talk through all the factors to consider when shaping this list.
Helpful for pastors, singers, songleaders, songwriters.

Drums & Bass:
The bass and drums are the ‘engine room’ of any church band. So what does it take to create a solid foundation for a rhythm section? We will look at our roles, finding a part, locking in together, time, technical skills, playing the song, groove vocabulary, and more.
Helpful for drummers, bassists (and anyone hoping to communicate well with their rhythm section!)

Ministry of Sound Part 1 - Building a Mix:
This session is all about helping the church to hear God’s word: spoken and sung. We will consider the essential elements of setting up a ‘good mix’, blending sounds, and training our ears; as well as how to work well with a music team.
Helpful for sound technicians, aspiring sound technicians, music directors, musicians.

Ministry of Sound Part 2 - Mixing Techniques:
In this session we dive into the more technical side of creating a great mix for services. We’ll aim to de-mystify concepts such as gain, panning and EQ as we put together a helpful toolbox of techniques to create clarity within a mix.
Helpful for sound technicians, music directors, musicians.

Music for Little Kids:
Looking for ideas for running a musical playgroup or leading singing in Sunday School? This seminar will help you to encourage your small kids to sing big gospel truths, and will think through programs, playlists and practicalities for this wonderful ministry.
Helpful for anyone co-ordinating or leading childrens' ministries.

Vocal Harmonies:
Do you lack confidence singing harmonies or just don’t know where to start? This session introduces the key elements of hearing and singing a harmony, as well as thinking about vocal textures and arrangements. Most importantly we’ll have a go at harmonising in a fun and safe space.
Helpful for singers and band leaders.
Shaping Services:
Alongside singing together, there are many parts that make up Sunday services. In this very practical seminar, we’ll consider why it’s important to plan our services thoughtfully and intentionally, and how to build a service from the ground up. This seminar will have a special emphasis on song choice and placement, but also think more broadly about the shape of services.
Helpful for Pastors and Band leaders, but beneficial to anyone involved in church gatherings.
Melody Instruments:
What is the role of a melody instrument in a church band, and how do I use my classical technique to play in a contemporary context? We will explore creating colour and contrast in an arrangement; as well as fills, riffs, register, transposition and improvisation.
Helpful for melody instrumentalists, pianists, guitarists and band leaders.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a group discount?
Yes! Group discounts are applied automatically at checkout (10% off each ticket for groups of 5-14, and 20% off each ticket for groups of 15+). We can also provide a unique code for your group so that you can all sign up individually at a discounted rate. Please click here if your team is 5-14, and please click here if your team is 15+.
2. Who is this conference useful for?
Every member of a church music team, especially those starting out in this ministry. At nearly every conference we meet someone who tells us they wish they had brought the whole team along - as listening and learning together makes the biggest difference back in your church.
Yes! The ministry of the word in song flourishes when it deliberately complements the spoken word. As the leader of the congregation's praise under Jesus, we hope you'll see the responsibility and joy of overseeing the music ministry at your church. What's more, your musicians will find it a great encouragement to see you supporting their ministry.
4. I've been doing music for many years. Will I learn anything new?
Most definitely. Many people come to Word In Song simply for the refreshment, encouragement and fellowship with those doing similar ministry.
5. We are a small church with few resources - will this day be relevant?
Yes! We love helping smaller churches work out how to effectively use their resources to lead singing. There will be lots of opportunities for applying biblical and practical principles to every context.
No! Refreshments and lunch are all provided as part of the ticket price.
Delegate cancellations will incur a $10 administration fee. Sorry, no refunds will be given for cancellations within one week of the event. In the event that we need to cancel or postpone the conference, Emu Music will provide a full refund.
By registering you are agreeing to receive communication about this event from Emu Music. We will email you before and after the event in order to keep you informed and gather feedback.