Consider Christ '25


Produced by Alanna Glover & Philip Percival
Mixing & additional production by Jackson Barclay 

Vocals: Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman, Issy Murdoch, Micah Sheath, Philip Percival, James McDonald, Jenny Denny, Luke Fotheringham & Brittany Hassell
Piano & Keys: Philip Percival
Acoustic Guitar: Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman & Luke Fotheringham
Bass: Jackson Barclay
Drums: Jackson Barclay
Cello: Jill Govender
Electric Guitar: Jackson Barclay & Luke Fotheringham
Percussion & Programming: Jackson Barclay

1. Psalm 96 | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
Sing unto the Lord a new song
Sing unto the Lord all the earth
Sing to the Lord, bless his name
Tell of his salvation day by day.

Verse 2
Majesty and honour are his
Strength and beauty, glory and righteousness
Great is the Lord, and deserving of praise
He is to be feared above all gods.

Worship the Lord in holy array
Tremble before him all the earth
Our God reigns.

Verse 3
Let all the creation be glad
The earth and the sea sing for joy
Before the Lord, the judge of the earth
Who judges us in righteousness and truth.

CCLI Song # 1440125 | © 1987 Greg McDonald


2. Hallelujah To The King of Kings | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
Maker of the heavens and earth
Exalted by the roar of a multitude
“Salvation and glory and power belong to our God”.

Verse 2
The cry of hallelujah resounds
The fullness of time shows his victory
Justice and truth are revealed his wisdom adored

Hallelujah to the King of Kings!
Hallelujah the Almighty reigns!
Let us all rejoice and give him all our praise, our praise.
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords!
Hallelujah to the God of power!
The people of the Lord are ready to see their king,
Jesus! Jesus!

Verse 3
Praise the Lord you servants of God
All who fear him come, whether small or great.
Fall before his throne in awe and worship him

Verse 4
Blessed are those who will feast
At the glorious banquet of God himself
The wedding of the Lamb has come, His bride is now here.

CCLI Song # 4512716 © 2003 Mark Peterson


3. Grace Awaiting Me | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
I will see the world to come
For one has suffered in my place
Now there is grace awaiting me awaiting me
Judgement's done atonement's made
The ransom's paid no guilt remain
Now there is grace awaiting me awaiting me

Grace a welcome from the Father
Grace forgiveness full and free
Grace that's greater than our failings
Oh there is grace awaiting me

Verse 2
I take comfort in the hope
Of the thief upon the cross
For I am worthy of as little love as he
Like this man I won't despair
For life's ahead what joy we'll share
Now there is grace awaiting me awaiting me

Jesus you have loved and bought me
By your death my debts are paid
I am yours, I stand beside you
Fearless face the coming day.

Verse 3
I will see the world to come
Despite the sin that I have done
For there is grace awaiting me, awaiting me.
All who call upon the Lord
Will rise to life with peace assured
For there is grace awaiting me, awaiting me.

CCLI Song # 7006994 | Philip Percival | Simone Richardson | © 2013 Percival, Philip (Admin. by Philip Gordon Percival) | Richardson, Simone |


4. Your Word | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
Your word is good, it’s ever faithful
Worth more than gold, the heart’s delight
Your word gives life to all who hear and obey
Your word endures forever

Verse 2
Your word is true, it never changes
It formed the earth; sustains it still
Your word defends; providing refuge and strength
Your word endures forever

Your word is a lamp unto my feet
Your word is a light unto my path
For your word is my hope, it’s my joy and my song
Your word endures forever

Verse 3
Your word transforms, it lifts the humble
Rebukes the proud, protects the poor
Your word discerns the mind and spirit of all
Your word endures forever

Your word is more than just letters on pages
It’s life and it's love and it's freedom for us
Your word is more than just wisdom of ages
Its treasures are endless, it's always enough
Your word is more than just stories of old
It's the truth and the way and the story of love
Your word is more than just breath into dust
It’s your Son, as a man, come to dwell here with us

CCLI Song # 7091582 | © 2017 Liv Chapman, Alanna Glover, Philip Percival |


5. Hear Our Prayer | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
Hear our prayer, God above
As we come to you and seek your patient love
Hear our hearts, hear our minds
Hear the echoes of the words we cannot find

Verse 2
Be our hope, be our guide
In our wanderings of weakness break our pride
Not for ease shall we pray
But for strength that we may walk with you this day

So we pray in faith, your will be done
As we long to see your kingdom come
We ask with one voice
Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Verse 3
Hear our prayer, faithful one
Shape our yearnings to the gospel of your Son
Free our hearts, free our minds
From the war that sin will wage till you arrive

Verse 4
Be our joy, be our stay
Give us eyes to see you answer prayer this day
Hear us praise all you’ve done
We rejoice as we receive the victory won

CCLI Song # 7033935 | Andy Judd | Greg Cooper | © 2014 Rhinoceros Music (Admin. by Rhinoceros Publishing) | Judd, Andy | Based on: CCLI Song # 2645661 by Love Maria Willis


6. Consider Christ | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
Consider Christ, the source of our salvation
That he should take the penalty for me
Though he was pure, a lamb without a blemish;
He took my sins and nailed them to the tree

My Lord and God
You are so rich in mercy
Mere words alone are not sufficient thanks.
So take my life, transform, renew and change me
That I might be a living sacrifice

Verse 2
Consider Christ, that he could trust his Father
In the garden of Gethsemane
Though full of dread and fearful of the anguish;
He drank the cup that was reserved for me.

Verse 3
Consider Christ, for death he has defeated.
And he arose, appeared for all to see.
And now he sits at God’s right hand in heaven
Where he prepares a resting place for me.

CCLI Song # 1980516 | © 1996 Bryson Smith & Philip Percival


7. Hymn Of The Saviour (acoustic version) | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
From the chaos of darkness, your word shaped the earth
In your image a people made
But we traded perfection, the truth for a lie
And your glory was veiled in shame
But a promise made, a blessing you gave,
To a people of your name
For this broken world, a saviour foretold
To bear all our grief and pain

Verse 2
When the heavenly saviour descended his throne
All my sin on his shoulders laid
And to win our redemption, he suffered and died
For the sake of my guilt and shame
Oh the price he paid in taking my place
So that death was overcome
When the King of love burst forth from the grave
Proclaiming the victr’y won

Verse 3
At the end of the ages, the world passed away
I will gaze on my saviour’s face
When my heart is perfected and free from my sin
I will rest in your glorious grace
For the song we raise, the works of our hands
Are in service of the King
When a thousand tongues cry, ’Glory to God’
Forever his praise we’ll sing

CCLI Song # 7134330 | © 2019 Alanna Glover and Philip Percival |


8. Apostles’ Creed (acoustic version) | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
I believe in God the Father, mighty and eternal Lord
God alone is the Creator, forming all things by His word
I believe in our Lord Jesus, God's own Son who came to earth
Born a man, by the Spirit, by a virgin given birth

Sing praise to the Father, to the Spirit and the Son
Sing praise to our holy God, forever three in one

Verse 2
I believe that Jesus suffered on the cross He bore my shame
I believe that He was buried then triumphant rose again
Glorified, He has ascended, seated at the Father's side
He will come again in judgement, justice will be satisfied

Verse 3
I believe the Holy Spirit comes to us from Christ above
I believe the church is holy one communion in God's love
I believe I am forgiven through the sacrifice of Christ
I believe in resurrection and in everlasting life

CCLI Song # 7201504 © 2022 Tim Chester, Liv Chapman, Philip Percival, James McDonald, Alanna Glover


9. We Declare (acoustic version) | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
We are his kingdom, we are his bride
For us he paid the price
For us he bled and died
We are his people, his treasured prize
For us he conquered sin, for he is risen

With thankfulness we will sing
Adopted now we are his

So we declare the praises
Of Jesus, saviour and king
He is the cornerstone, Hallelujah
And now we stand as his church
Until the day when he comes in glory, Hallelujah

Verse 2
We are a priesthood, beloved ones
He draws the scattered near
He builds his kingdom here
A holy nation, now set apart
To be his hands and feet, to speak his mercy

CCLI Song # 7069098 | Alanna Glover | Liv Chapman | © 2016 Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman |


10. Creation Awaits (acoustic version) | SHEET MUSIC

Verse 1
I am alive, saved by your sacrifice
Death overcome, glory dispels the night
You call the lifeless to wake from death to life
Out of darkness arise

Verse 2
I am set free, saved from the power of sin
Guilt overcome, your Spirit at work within
You break the chains of the law, I am released
From the burden of sin

Now we cry, “Father”, we are your children,
We are adopted as your own
No condemnation, we are forgiven,
Nothing can take us from your love

Verse 3
I am redeemed, raised with my saviour Christ
Fear overcome, I will be glorified
You will forever defend and stand beside
I am safe in your love

Creation awaits the glorious day
When Jesus returns and trials will fade

CCLI Song # 7134602 | © 2019 Liv Chapman, Alanna Glover, Philip Percival & Michael Morrow |