Jesus Is Coming
Jesus is coming
This prospect we affirm
Jesus is coming
We long for His return
With joy we cry His coming's nigh
Christ's vindication's hour
Lord Jesus come
The Father's Son
Show us Your divine unshielded power
Come back Lord Jesus
The world is growing old
Come back Lord Jesus
For evil grows more bold
We cannot cope we have no hope
Unless Your word prevails
Prepare the way
For judgment day
With transforming grace that cannot fail
Come to the Savior
God calls you from on high
Come to the Savior
Why will you stand and die
The Spirit cries the church replies
Pleading with urgent voices
Come all who thirst
Christ bore the curse
Drink and make your guilty soul rejoice
Jesus is coming
The reign of death is dead
Jesus is coming
The new world is ahead
The lust the greed the rebel's creed
Evil that lives within
Are overcome
The victory's won
Now our resurrection life begins
Don Carson, Philip Percival © 2005
CCLI #4641261